Meet Doctor Stephanie

Cardiologist, Public Speaker, and Researcher

I Believe In...

Prevention is Key

Dr. Saucier has created a Free Heart Health Guide to keep you happy and healthy.

World Class Care

World class care comes from doctors that care. See what patients are saying about Dr. Saucier.

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is power which is why Dr. Saucier has created a comprehensive guide to optimize your heart health.


Dr. Stephanie Saucier MD, FACC, RPVI

Dr. Stephanie Saucier is a distinguished Cardiologist renowned for her dedication to advancing heart health awareness. As an experienced public speaker she has been emphasizing the importance of preventative care and healthy living for all ages.

Dr. Saucier's passion extends beyond the clinic, as he actively engages in public education initiatives, striving to demystify the complexities of cardiovascular care. Her work not only reflects her expertise in cardiology but also hercommitment to making a positive impact on the community's well-being.

Let's Work Together

For Physicians

Stay Up To Date with My Research

For Your Company

Professional Public Speaking

For Patients

Knowledge Is Power

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a Cardiologist do?

A Cardiologist specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and blood vessels.

When should I see a Cardiologist?

You should consider seeing a Cardiologist if you have symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, or a family history of heart disease.

How do I prepare for my appointment?

Before your appointment, gather any medical records, list down your symptoms and medications, and be prepared to discuss your medical history.

Can lifestyle changes really improve my health?

80% of heart disease is preventable. Yes, lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, regular exercise, quitting smoking, and managing stress can significantly improve heart health and reduce risks.

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